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Target Audience

By Charlotte Lloyd and Jordan Scott

Our Target Audience is Indie Scenesters.  An indie kid is someone whos heart lies with indie, rock and alternative music. Many people think indie kids are just negative people who hate anyone that listens to the top 40 chart, however indie kids, tend to be shy and reserved.


  • Indie boys tend to be skinny, with messy HAIR and a rugid look. The hair must not be confused with emo hair, which is styled using disturbing quantaties of gel, wax, mousse and hairspray. Indie boys just can't be arsed to brush. Skinny jeans are more typical of the scene kid, Indie boys prefer fairly loose fitting denim. A plain t-shirt or shirt are very popular, along with ancient battered converse, in black or blue. 


  • Indie Girls normally have wavy hair that looks bedraggled, and dress not a million miles away from the boys, just with more feminine styles. Indie Girls generally don't really care about their appearence that much, but scrub up pretty darn well, as opposed to a scene girl who is the scum off the earth. Indie girls wear any sort of jeans, comfy and casual t-shirts and the same footwear as the boys. 


Here are a few examples of Indie's favourite brands:

For my target audience research I decided to interview indie scenesters to understand, where they hang out? what they like to do in their free time? and what are a few of their favourite brands? I thought if interviewed people I WOULD get more realiable and valid results, considering it is coming from real indie kids.



To get a better understanding of our TARGET audience and what the audience would would expect to see from a music video, we asked members of our target audience some questions about music videos. We went through and interviewed people within our target audience asking specific questions about the expectations within a music video and we have put all the footage into one video as shown below.


Here is a list of questions which we asked to members of our target audience:


  • In a music video would you expect to see a band performance or a narrative or both?

  • Based on the speed of the song, what type of editing would you expect to see?

  • Would you expect to see any special effects and if so, what types would you expect to see?

  • What types of camera shots and angles would you expect to see being used?

  • Who would you expect to have the most screen time?

  • For an indie rock music video what type of clothing would you expect to see the band wearing?

  • What do you think is the most important aspect in a music video, so things like the camera work, lighting, the story of the narrative, the band performance?

  • What do you think is needed in a music video to make it memorable


Primary evidence 1 - Video 


What genres of music are you into?

-Indie rock 


What are your three favourite artists?

-Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, Oasis, Bombay Bicycle Club, The Kooks, Mumford And Sons. 


What are your favourite shops/brands?


-Topman, Urban Outfitters, Rokit, 


What do you do on the Internet and how much time do you spend on it? 

-On the internet I listen to my favourite bands youtube and often online shop. I spend quite a lot of time on the internet. 


What would be a standard outfit for you on a night out?

-Boys clothes include: Denim jackets, black shirts, black boots, skinngy black jeans, baggy coat.


-Girls Clothes: Baggy skirts, Denim jackets, Buttoned shirts, boots, Sunglasses.


What are your favourtie social networking sites? 

-Instagram and Tumblr 


What radio stations do you listen to?


-XFM, Indie Spectrum Radio


What do you do at the weekend?

-Go out with friends, go to watch my favourite bands, go shopping

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